What is it? (short summary)
An Apple Day is a 1-day-project that´s all about apples. Activities from all subjects can be included, e.g. science (pollination, fruit development, biodiversity, gravity, buoyoncy); art/history (apples as symbols; still lifes); language classes (description of/stories about apples); economy/geography (global apple market) and most importantly, a setting where students can taste different apples, bake and cook using apples or make their own apple juice. Cooking/ home consumer classes can even include topics like low-waste cooking and storage.
It’s suited for: (age/region/context)
All ages really, as the activities can be adapted to every level of schooling.
Regions where apples grow (in other regions, you might go for a local fruit, e.g. Mango day)

5th-graders of IGS Bonn-Beuel (Germany) measuring their apples’ volumina; collecting and juicing fallen apples
That’s what you need: (material/funds/preparation)
- 2-4 staff teaming up to organize the Apple day (parents might support the project, too)
- 3-4 different subjects’ perspectives on apples (see Section 1 “What is it?”)
- An apple tree (public, school garden, parent’s house…) where you can collect apples
- optional: An apple juicer (can often be borrowed from a local cidery)
- optional: A cooking facility where you can prepare food (applecake, apple jelly, sallad with apples etc.)
That’s why you should do it (purpose/benefits)
it’s a great opportunity for interdisciplinary and holistic learning centered around food
it increases your students knowledge of (and possibly, preference for) a healthy and sustainable fruit
your students build key food competences like healthy/zero-waste cooking, storage of food
it’s a way to unleash the potential for cooperation and engagement around food in your school
You should also consider (links to resources, ideas for adaptation)
w the website “Apples & people”
Author: Tim Björstrand, 2022
Ideas on how to adapt this good practice?
Got inspiration for new food learning activties?
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